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"Armenian Terror" ???
Old 28.02.2005, 09:16   #1
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Default "Armenian Terror" ???

Вот блин, какая у них пропаганда идет...
Нужна ли нам такая "машина"?
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Old 28.02.2005, 09:17   #2
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Ya dumayu, chto net.
Delo v tom, chto vse to, chto govoritsya s ikh storony - legko proveryaemo.
Oprovergat' eto - est' sut' priznanie znachimosti ikh deystviy.


Old 28.02.2005, 09:29   #3
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нет не нужна!! или кто то хочет стать повстанцом?

Old 28.02.2005, 10:36   #4
the happiest girl
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(c) 2005 ARMINFO News Agency. Quotation to ARMINFO and its sources is required in case of citing or republication.

STEPANAKERT, FEBRUARY 26. ARMINFO. Every year on the eve of the anniversary of Armenian massacres in Sumgait, taken place on Feb 26-28, 1988, at all levels Baku activates anti-Armenian propaganda. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic commentS on the anniversary of "Hocali (Khojalu) events" marked in Azerbaijan. "For this purpose Azerbaijan periodically exaggerates the events of February of 1992, connected with suppression of weapon emplacements in the village of Khojalu of Askeran district of NKR, falsifying the real picture. According to the version of official Baku, from 600 to several thousands of peaceful citizens died and were missing when seizure of Khojalu by Karabakh forces. By the way, this figure grows year by year. At the same time the facts testifies about other thing.

Beginning from 1988, when Armenian population of Nagorny Karabakh declared about its decision to join Armenia, the village of Khojalu became a place of permanent attacks on the Armenian motor-transport passing through its territory, capture of hostages and murders of Armenians. The military bases of the National front of Azerbaijan were stationed here. From Nov, 1990 the emergency platoon of Azerbaijani SSR seized the Stepanakert airport, blockading the only transport communication of Nagorny Karabakh with the external world." With the beginning in 1991 of the open military operations the village of Khojalu became a large weapon emplacement, from where mass firing of neighbor Armenian villages, and later the capital of NKR Stepanakert began.

And now Azerbaijan makes attempts to misinform the world community, In this issue official Baku cooperates with Turkey, whose parliament this year discussed the events in Khojalu condemning the Armenian side. Anti-Armenian statements were recently made in the U.S. Congress by the representatives of the pro-Turkish lobby. Clumsy attempt is seen in the actions of Baku and Ankara to consign to oblivion the facts of destructions extirpation and proscription of Armenians of Azerbaijan and put a sign of equality between the events in Khojalu and the Genocide of Armenians in Turkey, said in the comment of the NKR Foreign Ministry.

Old 28.02.2005, 10:40   #5
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оооффф.... и конца этому нет..никогда...

armenian terror
Old 28.02.2005, 22:02   #6
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Default armenian terror

Azarbijan is learning from Turkey how to shift the blame on to Armenias , when I was traveling in Turkey with my husband , we went to a museum in Van City and they had the same pictures that we saw all over the world in Armenian centres , pictures that were of dead massacred Armenians , they tried to tell us that those were Turks killed by Armenians , well we ofcourse did not accept that explaination and my husband refused to listen further to our guide as he knew they were lies.and in a hurry he took me out before I lost my temper . how ever the picture above hurts me as I do not believe children of any nationality should pay with thier lives for the wars of adults
If life rejects you , there is me to protect you , I am your friend

Last edited by Sevana; 28.02.2005 at 22:38. Reason: adding to topic

Old 01.03.2005, 03:18   #7
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tut na dnyax posol azikov vistupal po teleku... skazal mol armyane genocid ustroili azerskomu narodcu. vot takie pirojki....

Old 02.03.2005, 20:27   #8
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DaNYER will you pleaase translate for me what you wrote? thanks

Old 03.03.2005, 03:39   #9
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Дьявол никогда не упустит шанса плюнуть Богу в лицо.
Турки это как проклятие и извечное наказание, пока они ходят на двух ногах не знать Армянам покоя. Они никогда не дадут спокойно жить Армянскому народу и если Армения будет продолжать оставаться быть управляемой горделивым и тупым быдлом, то ее жители опять и опять будут подвергаться постоянной угрозе уничтожения.

Этих орков нельзя уговорить либо убедить. Есть только одно решение данной проблемы.

Old 03.03.2005, 08:35   #10
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Какая еще машина, когда факты сами говорят за себя. Как фотография этого мальчика после очередной бомежки азер-ми Степанакерта. Другое дело, что работу нашего дорогого МИДа с большой натяжкой можно назвать "так себе, удовлетворительно". А пропаганды - любой, как таковой у нас не существует.

(фотографию убрал)

Last edited by HOB; 03.03.2005 at 10:20.

Old 03.03.2005, 08:38   #11
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и не будет существовать до тех пор пока у нас не поймут что это нужно - а у нас этого упорно не хотят признавать...

Old 03.03.2005, 09:26   #12
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HOB lav eli... mard enq eli, gluxs pajtez...

Adminner please jnjeq eli... ili tareq uncensored

Isk turkerin petq a misht arjani hakaharvaz tal amen inchum.

Old 03.03.2005, 10:21   #13
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(фотографию убрал)

Old 03.03.2005, 10:26   #14
the mochinger
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Old 04.03.2005, 14:29   #15
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They say 'incident'. To me it's genocide

When its finest novelist attacked Turkey's bloody past, he became a hero for Armenians and Turks alike, says Nouritza Matossian

Sunday February 27, 2005
The Observer

There is a Turkish saying: 'A sword won't cut without inspiration from the pen.'

Orhan Pamuk, wielder of Turkey's finest pen, has spoken and cut a swath through his country's conscience. His most recent novel Snow was set in Kars and peppered with references to the Armenian culture of that formerly Armenian city. Brilliant novelist, translated in 20 languages, winner of international prizes, he has become a hate figure.

His crime was one sentence in an interview with the Swiss newspaper Tagesanzeiger this month. 'Thirty thousand Kurds and a million Armenians were killed in Turkey. Almost no one dares speak but me, and the nationalists hate me for that.' All hell broke loose. The press attacked him for dishonouring the Turkish state and incitement to racial violence. He has been called a liar, 'a miserable creature' and a 'black writer' in the daily Hurriyet. Professor Hikmet Ozdemir, head of the Armenian studies department at the Turkish Union of Historians, rejected his statement as a 'great lie'.

A lone voice, Halil Berktay, professor at Sabanci University, supported Pamuk: 'In 1915-16 about 800,000 or one million Armenians were killed for sure.' Mehmet Üçok, an attorney, filed charges at the Kayseri public prosecutor's office. Another charge was filed by Kayseri Bar Association attorney Orhan Pekmezci: 'Pamuk has made groundless claims against the Turkish identity, the Turkish military and Turkey as a whole. He should be punished for violating Articles 159 and 312 of the Turkish penal code. He made a statement provoking the people to hatred and animosity through the media, which is defined as a crime in Article 312.'

I find this ironic. My mother's family was deported from the historic Armenian city of Kayseri, leaving their murdered menfolk behind.

I was recently in Istanbul lecturing on my biography of Armenian-American artist Arshile Gorky, the basis for the controversial genocide movie Ararat. Official permission for my talk required me not to utter the word 'genocide' to refer to the Ottoman empire's systematic deportations, tortures and killings of two million Armenians which Gorky witnessed. I might refer to those 'incidents'. The crime has never been acknowledged by successive Turkish governments, Britain or the United States.

Recent discussions of Turkey's possible entry into the EU were dominated by France and other countries demanding that Turkey first admit the Armenian genocide. What if Britain had a law forbidding criticism of its history, identity, or the armed forces? Turkey has far to go to reach the legal standards of EU members, with their humane and non-discriminatory laws aiming at standards of truth and reason. So much hatred. So much anger. What does Turkey have to hide?

'Pamuk has always defended freedom of speech and thought, the rights of minorities,' writes Hrant Dink, owner of the Armenian Turkish-language weekly Agos . 'For 90 years we Armenians have been abused, insulted and discriminated against. We cannot enter certain professions, we Turkified our names. We have learnt to survive and endure without protest. Maybe it is time that the Turkish people also learnt tolerance and endurance from us.'

In London, a thinly veiled propaganda exercise at the Royal Academy trumpets Turkish empires, making far-reaching claims about the origins of the 'Turkic peoples'. Echoes of master-race ideology. Pamuk himself writes in the Academy journal: 'Turks gripped by romantic myths of nationalism are keen to establish that we come from Mongolia or central Asia... scholars have come no closer to offering definitive or convincing evidence to link us with a particular time and place.'

In the show the contributions of other nationals in the Ottoman empire - Armenians, Greeks and Jews - are not credited. Yet their handiwork is everywhere, in architecture, pottery, carpets, manuscripts.

Britain colludes in this travesty for the sake of oil interests in Azerbaijan, Turkey's closest ally.

Akin Birdal, vice-president of the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues, emphasises: 'No matter we have come to the 90th year of "incidents" Orhan Pamuk talked about, these will of course be discussed on domestic and international platforms. The aggressions carried out against Pamuk are those which have been carried out against thought. Pamuk is not alone.' Pamuk has cut the Gordian knot. He has become the hero of every right-thinking person in Turkey and every Armenian worldwide. ·Nouritza Matossian is author of 'Black Angel, A Life of Arshile Gorky' .


Last edited by Hrach_Techie; 04.03.2005 at 14:47.


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