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Турция: первый шаг к признанию Геноцида
Old 30.07.2005, 07:58   #1
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Default Турция: первый шаг к признанию Геноцида

"Турция готова взять на себя всю ответственность в том случае, если Геноцид армян будет доказан фактами", - заявил посол Турции в Уругвае Сукру Тафан в ходе встречи с членами комиссии по внешним сношениям парламента Уругвая. После заседания, прошедшего за закрытыми дверями, турецкий посол отказался сообщить какие-либо подробности.

Представитель Национальной партии в парламенте Уругвая Хайме Дробо отметил, что "впервые представитель Турции приходит в законодательный орган Уругвая, чтобы говорить о событиях 1915 года". По словам парламентария, в ходе встречи обсуждалось предложение премьер-министра Турции о создании международной комиссии по изучению Геноцида армян. Дробо также заявил, что турецкая сторона также предложила Уругваю стать членом этой комиссии.

В свою очередь, депутат уругвайского парламента армянской национальности Лилиан Кечиджян заявил, что Уругвай может спонсировать или просто участвовать в деятельности международной комиссии, добавив при этом, что парламентская комиссия Уругвая может опубликовать заявление, направленное парламентам Армении и Турции.

Посол Армении в Уругвае Ара Айвазян выступил с инициативой проведения встречи между сторонами и, поскольку вопрос касется Армении, Айвазян предложил не публиковать какого-либо заявления до ознакомления с точкой зрения Армении. Предложение армянского посла было принято, сообщает радиостанция "Свобода".


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вроде таких заявлений турки не делали на офиц. уровне
до сих пор факт Геноцида отрицался турками на 500%

более того, недавно ввели правовую норму привлечения к ответственности (до 10 лет) за такие заявления

интересно, посадят турки своего посла за решетку?

случайно ли то, это заявление сделано почти в один день с полу-признанием Кипра ( http://regnum.ru/news/turkey/490912.html )

Old 30.07.2005, 08:01   #2
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led tronulsa?
Originally Posted by bvahan
более того, недавно ввели правовую норму привлечения к ответственности (до 10 лет) за такие заявления

интересно, посадят турки своего посла за решетку?
etot zakon bil nedavno otmenen pod davleniem eu.

Old 30.07.2005, 08:12   #3
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Originally Posted by Moonlight
etot zakon bil nedavno otmenen pod davleniem eu.
это когда же они отменили, если еще несколько дней назад ...
начался суд над Динк-ом, редактором с таким трудом выходящей в Стамбуле армянской газеты

Armenian journalist faces three years jail for "insulting Turkish identity"

/noticias.info/ Reporters Without Borders today criticised the current trial of a Turkish-Armenian journalist, Hrant Dink, for "insulting Turkish identity" and said the government taboo against publicly discussing the 1915 genocide against Armenians was a "continuing barrier to freedom of expression" in Turkey.

It said that with only three months to go before negotiations were due to start about Turkey joining the European Union, Dink risked being jailed under article 301 of the criminal code for publishing an article (on 13 February 2004) called "Getting to know Armenia" in the Turkish-Armenian bilingual weekly, Agos, that he runs. His trial began on 7 July before a court in Sisli, Istanbul.

The world press freedom organisation said it was concerned about fuzzy language in the new criminal code that could "easily be used against journalists discussing sensitive topics," such as the Armenian genocide or withdrawal of Turkish troops from Cyprus.

Dink's article urged Armenians to turn their attention "to the new blood of independent Armenia," as the only way to free them from the burden of exile and called on them to symbolically reject "the adulterated part of their Turkish blood." Nine complaints for "insulting Turkish identity" had been filed against him by 16 April 2004 before the Sisli court.

"This trial is based on a total misunderstanding," Dink told Reporters Without Borders. "I never meant to insult Turkish citizens. The term in question was taken out of context and is only symbolic. The real subject of the article is the Armenian diaspora who, once they have come to terms with the Turkish part of their identity, can seek new answers to their questions from independent Armenia."

State prosecutor Turgay Evsen has called for a three-year prison sentence for Dink under the new penal code, which came into force on 1 June. Dink founded his paper in Istanbul in 1996 and it has a circulation of 5,500.


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кроме того, несколько нелогично выглядит поведение посла Турции в Уругвае - именно в эти дни офиц. Турция борется за своего политика-социалиста-марксиста, которого судят в Европе за отрицание Геноцида

Сайт Европейско-Армянской Федерации за справедливость и демократию -
Brussels, 29th July 2005


Turkey should recognise the Armenian genocide and stop blackmailing Switzerland, says Swiss parliamentarian Erwin Jutzet. Meanwhile, the Swiss ambassador in Ankara has had to defend himself against a barrage of criticism concerning the Swiss investigation of a Turkish politician.

"Turkey has to stop reacting so sensitively to such events," Jutzet, the president of the House of Representatives’ foreign-policy commission, told the Tages-Anzeiger newspaper on Wednesday.

"It would do better to recognise once and for all the genocide of the Armenians."

On Tuesday Turkey presented a protest note to the Swiss ambassador in Ankara and the Swiss foreign ministry in Bern. The note concerned the investigation of a Turkish politician on suspicion of violating Swiss anti-racism laws.

Dogu Perincek, leader of Turkey’s Workers’ Party, has twice denied that the killings of Armenians around the time of the First World War amounted to genocide. He is the subject of two criminal investigations.

Jutzet said it was up to Turkey to make a move "instead of always taking offence and resorting to blackmail".

He added that the constant denial of genocide could have ramifications for Turkey’s much sought-after entry into the European Union.

"If Switzerland were to turn its back on Turkey, it would be a bad sign for EU entry," he said.

On Wednesday the Swiss ambassador in Ankara, Walter Gyger, was told in no uncertain terms about Turkey’s dissatisfaction concerning the Perinçek investigation.

Gyger countered by pointing to Switzerland’s anti-racism laws and the strict separation of judicial and political powers.

Under Swiss law any act of denying, belittling or justifying genocide is a violation of the country’s anti-racism laws.

The Turkish ambassador in Bern, Alev Kiliç, was due to meet the relevant representatives from the Swiss foreign ministry on Thursday.

The press attaché at the Turkish embassy in Bern, Sibel Gal, told swissinfo: "This has caused discomfort and disappointment in Turkey, and such a measure falls short of freedom of speech and expression which is one of the most fundamental human rights."

"It’s even more regrettable that this was launched by the authorities in a friendly country whose reputation for upholding human rights is well known."

Gal added that Perinçek’s views "reflected historical facts based on scientific and academic findings of events during the First World War at the easterm front of the Ottoman empire".

The public prosecutor in Winterthur questioned Perincek on Saturday for more than two hours after a news conference he gave on Friday in Glattbrugg, near Zurich.

In the speech honouring the 82nd anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne, which fixed the borders of modern-day Turkey, Perincek called claims of genocide against the Armenians an imperialist lie, authorities said.

Turkey’s foreign minister, Abdullah Gül, described Saturday’s questioning as "unacceptable" and "absolutely contrary to the principle of free speech".

"Do these actions suit a country like Switzerland?" he asked.

On Sunday Perincek repeated his denial of the Armenian genocide at celebrations attended by about 2,000 Turks near the Beau-Rivage hotel, scene of the treaty negotiations.

The House of Representatives has recognised as genocide the the expulsion and massacre of more than a million Armenians, but the government has not.


A Groong(.org), To Groong - an old motto
A Yeram, To Yeram - a new one

Last edited by bvahan; 30.07.2005 at 08:32.

Old 30.07.2005, 08:19   #4
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это когда же они отменили, если еще несколько дней назад ...
начался суд над Динк-ом, редактором с таким трудом выходящей в Стамбуле армянской газеты
Возможно его судят за офенс до отмены закона (?)

Old 30.07.2005, 08:25   #5
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ne pomnu tochnuyu datu, savsem nedavno.. gde-t nedel'ku nazad chitala v online news resources. mojno prosto poiskat'.

Old 31.07.2005, 08:12   #6
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Ba drantc varchapete koch er arel vor ameninch anen vor chchanachen Evropayum?


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