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SOAD action
Old 22.09.2005, 07:45   #1
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Default SOAD action

> >
> > -- Thousands of Fans Respond to Alert on
> > News Section of www.systemofadown.com
> >
> > WASHINGTON, DC - Within hours of posting a notice last night on the
> > System of a Down website, thousands of fans from across the United
> > States have sent ANCA WebFaxes urging Speaker of the House Dennis
> > Hastert to schedule a U.S. House vote on legislation recognizing
> > the Armenian Genocide, reported the Armenian National Committee of
> > America (ANCA).
> >
> > The letters, sent through the ANCA's free WebFax system, urge the
> > Speaker to honor his pledge, made in October of 2000, to hold a
> > vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution. The WebFaxes stress
> > that, "The Armenian Genocide is a clear-cut moral issue. Our
> > government's failure to stand up to Turkey's denial is an outrage.
> > . . Today, the fate of this human rights issue rests in your hands.
> > Do the right thing - keep your pledge. Serve U.S. interests and
> > American values by allowing this legislation to reach the floor for
> > a vote at the earliest possible opportunity."
> >
> > On September 15th, the House International Relations Committee
> > overwhelmingly approved legislation properly recognizing the
> > Armenian Genocide. During the course of a three-hour meeting, 21
> > members of this 50-member panel spoke in favor of H.Res.316 and
> > H.Con.Res.195, which were adopted by bipartisan majorities of 40 to
> > 7 and 35 to 11, respectively. Similar legislation was adopted by
> > the Committee in 2000, but was withdrawn by Speaker Hastert, at the
> > urging of President Clinton, only moments before it was to reach
> > the House floor for a vote. In the aftermath of his withdrawal of
> > the measure, Speaker Hastert pledged to hold a vote on the Armenian
> > Genocide Resolution, but has, in the five years that have followed,
> > failed to honor this promise.
> >
> > In May of this year, Mezmerize, the first half of the band's two-
> > part album Mezmerize/Hypnotize, debuted as the number-one selling
> > CD in the United States. On April 24th of this year, System held a
> > sold-out "Souls 2005" benefit concert for the ANCA and other groups
> > working to prevent genocide and counter genocide denial. The band
> > has sold nearly 10 million CDs worldwide. A Google search for
> > "System of a Down" returns over 1.6 million hits.
> >
> > The ANCA, at the invitation of the band, has worked alongside
> > Amnesty International and Axis of Justice at activist tables at
> > concerts to distribute educational materials, secure signatures on
> > petitions, field questions, and promote discussion about the
> > Turkish government's ongoing denial of the Armenian Genocide.
> >
> > For information about System of a Down, including a full listing of
> > their remaining tour dates, visit:
> > http://www.systemofadown.com
> >
> > The full text of the System of a Down action alert is provided
> > below. It can be viewed on-line by visiting www.systemofadown.com
> > and clicking on "NEWS."
> >
> > #####
> >
> > 9.20.05 - STAND WITH SYSTEM:
> >
> > Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House, has it in his power to
> > accomplish one of System's goals - official U.S. recognition of
> > Turkey's destruction of 1.5 million Armenians between 1915 and
> > 1923.
> >
> > On September 15th, a major Congressional committee - rejecting
> > attacks from Turkey and the Bush Administration - approved
> > legislation recognizing the Armenian Genocide.
> >
> > The next step is for the full House of Representatives to take a
> > final vote on this legislation. But this is only possible if
> > Hastert lets it happen. The choice is in his hands.
> >
> > By allowing Congress to vote on this legislation, Hastert can end
> > U.S. denial of this crime and open the doors to justice - to the
> > restoration, reparation, and restitution owed to the victims of
> > genocide.
> >
> > By continuing to block a vote on this legislation, Hastert
> > effectively joins in the denial of this crime against humanity, and
> > the denial of justice to an entire nation.
> >
> > Join with System. Click HERE to take action and send a free WebFax
> > urging Hastert to hold a vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution.
> >
> >
> >
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