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Old 18.04.2007, 20:32   #1
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2nd campaign "Our Dead have Names"
Urgent Appeal to Sons and Daughters of the Armenian Genocide Survivors
4000 years of history reduced to nothing in a matter of months by the
most heinous crime that a population could experience. A
genocide that does not finish wreaking havoc until reaching the very
core of the diaspora by the aggression of a state that does not want to
accept the truth. A genocide that wants to reduce to nothing not just
the words like those of the late Hrant Dink, but also the ancient
Armenian culture, as if these people had never lived in Asia Minor. As
if they had never even existed since according to certain Turkish's
intellectuals, a majority of the local population never learnt about
their history from school books.
For several years, the diaspora has already been fighting from all
angles the Turkish state and small extremist group revisionism that
would like to silence the just demands of the descendants of those who
survived the first genocide of the 20th century. To do this, they are
going to great lengths in referring to them in the politics of the free
states and confronting those who recognize that one day back in 1915,
April 24, following the 1894-1897 massacres, a plan was implemented to
exterminate the Armenians under cover of the First World War.
Why this reminder that each one of us, by transference, has been living
a life of sorrow for almost a century?
Because, like all Armenians, we long for nothing else than to bring
victory to an irrefutable truth. The great majority of our population
must participate in the struggle started by the representative
organizations, who are testifying to the tragedy that they suffered
first hand themselves by making the honorary gesture of creating a
memorial to bear the Names of the Martyrs eternally on
(www.) inhomage.com
This contribution is a moral obligation for those who can bring together
by number and name those members of their families who suffered this
unspeakable crime against humanity, termed "genocide" by Raphael Lemkin.
Thanks to its database and its internal messaging service, about 20
dispersed people have been able to retrace members of their family since
this website was set up. It is also one of the sources with the most
information on the diaspora's activities to raise awareness about the
Armenian Genocide.
Furthermore, you can download an exclusive slide show rendering an
account of the tribute paid to journalist Hrant Dink by Armenians from
more than 20 countries.
In 2015 we hope to have registered one million names of those who
suffered the ultimate sacrifice and to whom we simply must pay tribute.
It is time for each one of us to realize that by hiding our nation's
past, it will sooner or later become obscured in the consciences of our
descendants in centuries to come. The time is here and now for the
Armenian people to act in order to stop the violence.
I solemnly ask you to ensure the memory of our martyrs lives on in the
memorial on (www.) inhomage.com and to pass on this appeal by all means
possible so that every Armenian on our planet testifies and actively
takes part in it. To refrain would be to abandon your own identity by
leaving a gaping hole to swallow up the most grievous abuse.
"Don't let's ask what others can do for us, but rather let's ask what we
can do for the memory of our Martyrs."
Each name registered is a cry from the depths (the source of the truth).
Thank you for those awaiting liberation by our actions.
(www.) inhomage.com is supported by Charles Aznavour and many leaders of
the diaspora around the world.
Jean Eckian
(www.) inhomage.com
Independent correspondent
Take part now!
Thank you to those who have already made this powerful gesture and to
the websites carrying the inhomage.com logo-link stamp.

Aufruf zur Teilnahme an der Aktion “UNSERE TOTEN TRAGEN NAMEN!”

17.04.2007 22:12


Die Webseite www.inhomage.com dient der Registrierung der Namen der Opfer des Völkermordes an den Armeniern in einer Datenbank und bietet den Nachfahren von Überlebenden die Möglichkeit, andere Nachfahren aus derselben Region zu kontaktieren. Die Initiatoren möchten bis zum Jahr 2015 möglichst zahlreiche Namen festgestellt haben. Wir veröffentlichen nachstehend den Aufruf von Jean Eckian (Gesellschaft Schweiz-Armenien) zur Teilnahme auf Englisch und Französisch.

french: http://www.aga-online.org/downloads/...n_Namen_fr.pdf


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