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Just when you thought you knew it all :P
Old 23.04.2002, 03:54   #1
the happiest girl
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Post Just when you thought you knew it all :P

Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.

There are more chickens than people in the world.

No word in the English language rhymes with month,
orange, silver, or purple.

Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.

The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as substitute
for blood plasma.

No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.

The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache

Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for
dating are already married.

It is possible to lead a cow upstairs...but not downstairs.

A duck's quack doesn't echo and no one knows why.

Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes.
So much good, so much evil. Just add water. (c)

Old 23.04.2002, 15:55   #2
The Reloaded
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it all was very interesting where have you got this info from?

Old 24.04.2002, 17:27   #3
the happiest girl
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world wide web otkuda eshe?
pravda interesno..osobenno pro bumazhku

Old 24.04.2002, 19:02   #4
The Reloaded
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Originally posted by PsilocybeLarvae:
world wide web otkuda eshe?
pravda interesno..osobenno pro bumazhku
ну про бумажнку я еще в 89 или 90-м году читал, в журнале 'поинер' а вот про ослов... интересно, эта статистика включает и двуногих ослов?

Old 25.04.2002, 04:02   #5
the happiest girl
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somnevajus' kstati ob oslax, muzhchina v srednem za vsju svoju osoznannuju zhizh' poedaet 7 kg gubnoj pomady

Old 25.04.2002, 23:32   #6
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naschet bumazhki: ya tol'ko chto slozhil v 9 raz :]

Old 26.04.2002, 03:04   #7
the happiest girl
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kak tebe eto udalos'? tut bez podvoxa ne oboshlos'

Old 26.04.2002, 13:40   #8
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nikakogo podvoxa
a xotya chto podrazumevaetsya pod "piece of paper" ?
ya skladыval salfetku :]

Old 27.04.2002, 21:31   #9
The Reloaded
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Originally posted by z0mbie:
nikakogo podvoxa
a xotya chto podrazumevaetsya pod "piece of paper" ?
ya skladыval salfetku :]
ты ее пополам складывал (т.е. вдвое)? чтобы каждый раз сгибались все листы!

Old 27.04.2002, 23:27   #10
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Old 28.04.2002, 05:02   #11
the happiest girl
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zhul'nichaem po-malen'ku


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