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What if Turkey accept genocide ?
Old 24.03.2003, 18:12   #1
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Default What if Turkey accept genocide ?


Excuse my ignorance, but I have to ask.

I just wonder what if one day (and I hope that day will come soon) Turkey accepts genocide agains Armenian nation in 1915. What penalties or sentence will be performed according to international law of genocide(if there is one).

Old 24.03.2003, 18:16   #2
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I have no idea, but I would expect returning of the lands, especially the Ararat. But I don't believe this to happen in any observable future...

Old 24.03.2003, 18:26   #3
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Unfortunately international laws on genocide aren't applicable to Turkey, even if they accept the Armenian Genocide.

The International law on Genocide (and actually the term itself) was created only after the WWII and it doesn't cover genocides happened before it's acception.

Also, even if Turkey voluntarilly return our territories (which is something very far from reality), I don't think Armenia will have enough resources to control those territories.

So, I guess we will get nothing but some moral compensation.
Karen Vrtanesyan, աջակցող

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Old 24.03.2003, 18:46   #4
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Originally posted by groul
...So, I guess we will get nothing but some moral compensation.
That's very important too, don't you think ? Cause we cannot forgive one that doesn't ask for forgiveness, and we'll be enemies forever.

Old 24.03.2003, 18:49   #5
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Yes, I think that moral compensation is very important, that's why I'm fighting for the Genocide recognition.

Old 24.03.2003, 19:20   #6
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Originally posted by groul
I don't think Armenia will have enough resources to control those territories.
Can't agree, because once it happen, a number of Armenians from all over the world, diaspora will come back to home, thus creating mentioned resources and that number is expected to be significant.

Re: What if Turkey accept genocide ?
Old 24.03.2003, 19:34   #7
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Default Re: What if Turkey accept genocide ?

Originally posted by acid
I just wonder what if one day (and I hope that day will come soon) Turkey accepts genocide agains Armenian nation in 1915.
Hi acid,

I think that day will never come.

Originally posted by W_z_rd
... and we'll be enemies forever.
To W_z_rd,

I dont agree with you.
Because you are not my (our) enemies. And I (we) dont want to be yours.

Best regards,

Old 24.03.2003, 19:48   #8
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> Can't agree, because once it happen, a number of Armenians from all over the world, diaspora will come back to home, thus creating mentioned resources and that number is expected to be significant.

Well, I don't think so. Even if 1-2 million Armenians come there it won't be enough to control a territory 2-3 times bigger than current Armenia.

Why 1-2 million? I think even less. Because very few people will leave their established lives in the USA of Europe or wherever to return to their homeland.

Old 24.03.2003, 19:51   #9
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> I think that day will never come.

& then

> Because you are not my (our) enemies. And I (we) dont want to be yours.

It looks like: "OK, I raped you, slaughtered you, killed your children and I'm never gonna admit it. So lets be friends."

5 out of 6 Turks from my class in the college changed the class next day they learned I'm Armenian (I never talked any politics with anyone there).

So go ahead, tell me fairy-tales about how Turks are our biggest friends.

Old 25.03.2003, 21:07   #10
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Originally posted by groul
> I think that day will never come.

& then

> Because you are not my (our) enemies. And I (we) dont want to be yours.

It looks like: "OK, I raped you, slaughtered you, killed your children and I'm never gonna admit it. So lets be friends."

5 out of 6 Turks from my class in the college changed the class next day they learned I'm Armenian (I never talked any politics with anyone there).

So go ahead, tell me fairy-tales about how Turks are our biggest friends.

Look, I just want to say this:
I didn't come here to argue or fight.
Things may have happened in the past.
But I beleive that both parties are in the wrong.
Because, both communities have lived in harmony for a long time
Isn't it strange that something like this should happen out of the blue for no reason?
Please no-one play innocent.

Speaking for myself; I don't live in the past. I live for today and I don't want any problems with any body in the future.

Also, I don't agree with those other people. If I had been in the same class as you, this wouldn't have happened.

I am not going to write anything more on this subject.

If you really think that I am your enemy, you as the Administrator can bann me from this forum. I dont want to be here as your enemy.

Best regards,

Old 25.03.2003, 21:51   #11
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KnownX, you are not my enemy too. Or any other of currently living turkish people. But at the same time (it might sound strange) Turkey is the today's bigest enemy of Armenia. It's just the way it is. Till the issue of genocide is not solved there always will be wall between us. You suggest to forget everything and live in peace ? But one who used to forget the past is doomed to repeat it endlessly.
I'm sure we're glad to forgive, but nobody asks for forgiveness.
Every turkish person I've talked about genocide gets that as a personal blame, but truth is, this is crime of the nation, not the persons.

Now, you said, that "Isn't it strange that something like this should happen out of the blue for no reason?". That's a very good question. If you've seen "Ararat" movie (I doubt) about genocide, you'll recall one of the characters asking: "Why ? Why this should have happened ?". Well, I don't know. I'd like to know, cause I'm sure, that there is no punishment without guilt. But I'm confident, that that "guilt" wasn't something we've done to turks. May be something we've done in the past, long before turks ever exist as a nation ? What jews have done to germans ? Or other victims of massacres of all times ? Questions, question...
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Old 25.03.2003, 22:32   #12
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Originally posted by groul
5 out of 6 Turks from my class in the college changed the class next day they learned I'm Armenian (I never talked any politics with anyone there).

He-he, isn't it great to make 5 Turks change their class because of you only and not vice versa?


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