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Polemika Poslov Armenii i Turcii v Pol'she
Old 25.06.2003, 14:16   #1
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Default Polemika Poslov Armenii i Turcii v Pol'she

Kachestvenniy dialog 2 ochen' umnykh i vospitannykh lyudey.
AH - Ashot Hovakimian - posol Armenii v Pol'she
CA - Candan Azer - posol Turcii v Pol'she
DW - Dawid Warszawski - pol'skiy zhurnalist


AH: The recognition of genocide by Turkey is for us a political and
moral issue. The moral issue, because of granting satisfaction to
the very few survivors still alive, and their descendants. Almost
all of the diaspora is composed of these descendants. In this we
are not different from the Jews and other victims. Politically,
it is an issue of the national security of the Republic of Armenia,
for once you recognize it, we will trust you more, and will no longer
see a threat to the security of our country. You would again be a
good neighbor. This would open the way to reconciliation.
CA: One small question, if I may. Does the Republic of Armenia
recognize the Turkish-Armenian border as determined by the Treaty
of Kars, or not? The Armenian Declaration of Independence does nor
recognize it. So who poses a threat to whom? Who has territorial
AH: The Republic of Armenia is not a legal successor to the
international treaties entered into by the Soviet Union. But de facto
the Kars agreement is working.
CA: De facto?
AH: De facto.
DW: Not de iure?
CA: Apparently not de iure.
AH: But you do not recognize the Kars agreement yourselves! You have
not established consular or diplomatic relations with the Republic of
Armenia, as stipulated by the treaty, nor do you have an open border
with it. But de facto it is working.
CA: The non-recognition of the border delineated by the Treaty of
Kars implies that Armenia has territorial claims.
AH: I hope it is not a speculation, just a result of
misunderstanding. Our countries are responsible members of several
international treaties, and no territorial claim against any country
has ever been, and is not, on the agenda of the Armenian Government. I
would like to stress our strong believe that the establishment of
the diplomatic relations without preconditions is the only possible
way to discuss and settle all disputable issues.
Ruben Muradyan
Technical Director
PanARMENIAN Network: Armenian News

Лысина - это полянка, вытоптанная мыслями.

Old 25.06.2003, 18:22   #2
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)) veselo bylo.

"...AH: The Republic of Armenia is not a legal successor to the
international treaties entered into by the Soviet Union. But de facto the Kars agreement is working."

podskajite mne, ogranichennomu chelovekuЖ
"The Republic of Armenia is not a legal successor to the
international treaties entered into by the Soviet Union."

pri chem tut pravopriemnichestvo SOVETSKOY Armenii ?
И повешенные могут качаться в неположенную сторону. /С.Е.Лец/

Old 25.06.2003, 19:50   #3
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Interesniy dialog...

Greko, a chto tebya tut vozmutilo ?

Old 26.06.2003, 05:07   #4
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Skoro dolzhna provesti nedel'ku s predstavitelyami "bratskoy" respubliki. Xoroshiy byl charge dlya dolgix Tiflisskix vecherov!

Old 26.06.2003, 07:37   #5
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Po Karsskomu, a vposledstvii Moskovskomu dogovoru nad vostochnoy Armeniey ustanavlivalsya suverenitet Turcii. Takzhe tam special'no ogovarivalsya status Naxichevana....

Old 27.06.2003, 09:26   #6
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2 W_z_rd:
не возмутило - мне лишь неясно: они НЕ считают нынешнюю Армению де юро правопреемником тогдашней Армении ?

почему ???

Old 27.06.2003, 16:04   #7
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Vidimo, iz-za togo, o chem Pascal napisal.


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